Monday, October 29, 2007

Haiti trip - take one......

Well, as usual, I LOVED being in Haiti. I met up with half of the team on Friday night and the rest on Saturday. We flew into Haiti bright and early on Saturday morning and were greeted with the warm sun upon our arrival. After gathering all our bags and making it through customs with zero bags searched, we filed onto the bus and headed to my favorite spot in Haiti, the orphanage. Obviously, many of you know it's not the beauty of it's location but the precious gifts that dwell inside its gates that make it my favorite.

I hurried through the gates and was greeted by my friend, Angela. She had told all the children they would have to stay behind the side gate, so only after they were called did my three come barreling toward me. What a delight to finally hold my babies again. I had missed them soooooo much and couldn't wait to get my hands on them. I would say by the look of these faces they were a little happy to see me as well.
We had a great time together. We talked about their Papa, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles and everyone else in Indiana waiting for them to come. We discussed the fact that it is getting closer and we are praying it would be very soon.

All of the older kids have been talking about when the kids are coming home. Steven let me know that Noah would be first with Mia and Hope and then Jonas and he and Belle. They all know what order they got parents and feel like that is how they should leave. What joy there will be when the time comes to tell them they are coming home!! I can just imagine the excitement of the others as some go home, knowing they might be next.

My beautiful girls went for chest x-rays while I was there and Praise God they were all clear. No TB found! Mia was her beautiful, beaming self with a helpful hand at any moment. She is such a joy to be around. Her smile is contagious.

Hope is getting so big. She loves being with her brother and sister and was constantly asking me to take a picture of them. Every little bit she would say, "photo, Mama, photo."

Noah was his usual handsome self. He was sure to find my arms empty and ask to fill them. He is so good to let Hope be the baby but when she is busy he reminds me that it's ok for him to be held too....of course all this is said with a simple, "pote'm"

Friday, October 26, 2007

I'm still here.......

I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted. I plan to post again soon. I had an amazing time in Haiti and loved spending every spare moment loving on our kids. I promise to update more about that later, but we just arrived home after being in Haiti and then Texas visiting Jeremy's family. I haven't been home for two weeks so once I get settled I'll post more about my trip. Don't give up on me, I promise to be back in action soon.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

1 down 1 to go......

So Noah and Camden's room is basically ready! We still need to install some shelving for toy storage but that's about it. So 1 room down and 1 to go.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Pray for them!!


So here are the steps we have left in order to get these Cundiffs home! This is how I understand it anyway. Due to our miraculous exit from Parquet the kids are officially ours in Haiti. They are legally Cundiff kids!! Now we have to...........

New Birth Certificates are issued
Birth Certificates are notarized
Birth Certificates are legalized
Apply for their passports
Passports printed
Take adoption decree to DHS for final approval
Request Visa to bring them home
Visa is issued and we are on the next plane out of Evansville to pick up our children!!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Breaking news........

I interupt this blog to bring you the latest breaking news from Haiti..................


No birth parent interviews were required, and we are one step closer to bringing our children home!! God is good!!!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Counting down!

Well, I am counting down to my next trip to Haiti. I leave in 8 days, arriving 9. I can't express in words the joy I feel when I am in this little country. I truly believe it is the joy of the Lord! It's not just seeing my kids that brings me joy. There is something about the country, the people, TAs, the staff, the children......

Of course I can't wait to be reunited with my kids, but I wanted to share some pictures of a few of the other reasons that I LOVE to go to Haiti!!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Practice makes perfect.....right?!?!?!?

Alexis loves having her hair braided like her sisters', so we just keep practicing. I realize their hair texture is different, but I've just about decided Mia's is easier than Ali's. Either way, they are both beautiful girls, with or without my help!!