Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mia loves to get married.

Some of you may remember she married Steve when she was at the Orphanage. Well, she got married again the other night, but, unfortunately, her fiance was M.I.A. She did not let that stop her. The show must go on.....

Bridesmaid ~ Hope
Maid of Honor ~ Alexis
Blushing Bride ~ Mia
The bouquet toss!
Mia sang Shout to the Lord!Alexis explaining which finger the ring goes on. Thankfully, Mia had a ring ready. It could have been a disaster, well with the groom missing and all. That's some great planifications if you ask me. Camden recited a couple of poems. Notice he dressed up for the occasion!

There was also a scripture reading by the Mother of the Bride, but the photographer failed to capture it. In attendance were the Father of the Bride, Sister of the Bride,
and two Dogs of the Bride.


Gail said...

hhhmmmm... she also married Dylan at our house. I guess Angela and I will have to share her as our daughter-in-law.

Kathy Eden said...

That's hilarious! Hopefully when she gets older she'll only get married "for real" once.

Salzwedel Family said...

What a beautiful blushing bride. I'm glad she didn't let an absent groom ruin her big day.

Baby Gustabe said...

oh this post made me laugh real hard! what a fun time! i really enjoyed the first wedding. sorry to have missed this one. i am glad to know that your family got as involved as the nannies did, however. maybe you can read Scripture at judah and noah's wedding too!

Unknown said...

Where is Jordyn in this wedding?

CG said...

I'm all smiles. Thanks for sharing Mia's special day! The Adidas shirt really was a nice touch, Cam!

Heza Hekele said...

Hilarious! Did she actually have a groom in mind, or is that completely beside the point?

Kristina said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Come to our house we could really have some fun!

Hope looked soooooo cute!