Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Camden's project

Camden had to make a "robot" out of recycled materials for school.
He and Jeremy worked on it and I think they did a pretty great job!

I love the bunny ears. I'm quite certain that when the robot sees this picture,
he will be so embarrassed! ; ) Good job, buddy!


LJW-Spirit said...

Great job, Camden! He reminds me of Robbie from "Lost in Space". (I don't know why, but that's who/what I thought of as soon as I saw your pictures.)
Love, Aunt Linda

angela said...

it's great!!

Kristina said...

That is so cute!
Lillie did a similar project last year for the science fair. She made a candy dispenser robot head out of recycle material.
Camden did a WONDERFUL job!

Lara said...

Wow - that is awesome! Max thinks it is "excellent". Very creative Camden! We love a homemade robot around here :-)

angela said...

he did those bunny ears to judah too!