Monday, February 19, 2007

Suterlande Hope Cundiff

Hope... "Hey, did everyone check out my new family?"

"It's exhausting getting my hair done. I think I'll just rest my eyes for a moment."


Papa says, "For a little more than a dollar a day, you could feed a child in need." Yes, he thinks she should be the next TA's posterchild.

I love you!

Mommy & Hope


angela said...

when i say, "hope!" she turns her pretty little head and says, "pope!"

Gail said...

I agree with Jeremy, she should be our next poster child. Great pictures!

Todd said...

sigh.....I just love the way God works!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristina said...

She is beeeutiful!!!!!
I can't wait to see you guys together in April.

Angela said...

Lovin' the new poster child. That is too funny! LOL!!!