Thursday, October 04, 2007

Counting down!

Well, I am counting down to my next trip to Haiti. I leave in 8 days, arriving 9. I can't express in words the joy I feel when I am in this little country. I truly believe it is the joy of the Lord! It's not just seeing my kids that brings me joy. There is something about the country, the people, TAs, the staff, the children......

Of course I can't wait to be reunited with my kids, but I wanted to share some pictures of a few of the other reasons that I LOVE to go to Haiti!!


It's Gonna Be Me said...

Wow, Michelle, I loved the music and all the photos! I just cannot wait until our November mission! Thank you for such a vivid example of what we will soon experience.

Have a wonderful visit with your children and enjoy your trip. Haiti is so blessed to have you, too!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, just beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Kathy Eden said...

Awesome...totally awesome!!! Thanks Michelle! You have an amazing gift of capturing Haiti through photos & video.

Beth said...

Gorgeous pictures! I'll be praying that you have a safe trip. Enjoy your precious children! :o)

Lara said...

Have a wonderful trip Michelle! I love that CD - it's the St. Joseph's one, right? I totally agree with Kathy - you have a gift!

Would you please tell my kids that I love them and that I miss them? I would be so grateful!

Elisabeth said...

...tears... just a couple... i have that joy too. have a great time!