Monday, October 08, 2007


So here are the steps we have left in order to get these Cundiffs home! This is how I understand it anyway. Due to our miraculous exit from Parquet the kids are officially ours in Haiti. They are legally Cundiff kids!! Now we have to...........

New Birth Certificates are issued
Birth Certificates are notarized
Birth Certificates are legalized
Apply for their passports
Passports printed
Take adoption decree to DHS for final approval
Request Visa to bring them home
Visa is issued and we are on the next plane out of Evansville to pick up our children!!!!


Gail said...

praying it is all done with Godspeed!

Lisa said...

Praying for this to go really quickly!!!! God bless your family:)

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! How long will the last steps take?

Kathy Eden said...

Praise God! They will be home before Christmas!!! Doing the HBWD! :o)

Elisabeth said...

oh michelle! i am so happy for you all! continuing to pray for the whole family! God bless!

angela said...

i no longer talk about Christmas. i say, "until noah goes home."

although i'll be lost without him.

Beth said...

Prayers for your family and every person involved with the final steps! So exciting!! :o)

Kristina said...

I hope you are doing your Christmas shopping, because they will be here before you know it!!!!

Kellie said...

Sounds like it is getting really close!!! Yeah!!! I will pray for all of you.