Thursday, December 06, 2007

A few of my favorites.....

I have literally taken thousands of pictures in Haiti. I wanted to take a moment to look at a few favorites of our children. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them. (But I doubt you will......) : )

Ok, obviously, I didn't take all of them, since I am in a few, but I sure did enjoy being in them.


Elisabeth said...

i love all the pictures! you have beautiful children! but you already knew that!

Kathy Eden said...

Awesome pictures! Ditto on the beautiful children part!!!

Jordyn said...

I love the pictures, Mommy!!!!

Brandy and Troy said...

I Love, love, love, seeing your children wearing the "Cundiff" shirts!!
You have a beautiful family.

megan haug said...

yup, they are pretty darn cute!!

Angela said...

I love the colorful tube thing. I have no idea what those things are called. And I absolutely love the one of Noah with Hope in his lap. That is so precious.

angela said...

your children are gorgeous! i'm gonna miss them so much. but you and jeremy are an answer to my prayers, mama meeshell!

Elias said...

beautiful children, meeshell!

praying they can come home SOON!

Kathy Cassel said...

Sweet. I hope they will be home soon!

junglemama said...

The pictures are wonderful. They have such beautiful smiles. You are very blessed, and I am sure you will all be very happy when you are united once and for all. :)

God Bless.

Heather said...

These pictures are just amazing! Can I ask what kind of camera you use?? Please email me at