Monday, December 31, 2007

A sweet little distraction......

Jeremy finally gave in and let me use some Christmas money to get the kids and I a puppy(Thanks Mom and Mark for the money!!). We were given the money before Christmas so we surprised the kids on Christmas morning with our newest member of the family. I would love to introduce you to Miss Daisy Cundiff......

"Christmas morning."

Ali couldn't resist buying a dress for her with some of her Christmas money.

"Daisy sporting her new outfit."

We went to my Dad's for Christmas and saw my Grandma's new puppy which is the same breed as our Daisy.... They had a great time playing.

"Daisy and Bandit."

This has indeed been a sweet little distraction from all the waiting. Thanks babe!


Anonymous said...

She is indeed very cute, and you are indeed very brave!

Karen Combes said...

what kind of dog is she? enjoy your cute distraction.


It's Gonna Be Me said...

Oh, she is darling, Michelle! I love her outfit, too! Webkins clothes are the perfect size. :)

Enjoy the new little addition as you wait for the BIG additions!

Jordyn said...

She is Shih-Tzu!!!!I will have to try the Webkinz clothes!!!!!


angela said...

because your family just wasn't big enough . . .

i know you've been wanting one for a long time!!

Brandy and Troy said...

Let us know if you need any tips on what NOT to do while you are house breaking a dog. Troy and I are pros. I have also learned that it is not easy to get mad at a pup with such a cute face!!
Congrats on your addition!!!

Michelle said...

What's one more at this point, Angela..... :)

It's Gonna Be Me said...

That;s what I keep telling Mike, Michelle.

Once you have more than two, you have to go from man-to-man defense to a "zone" anyway... So, it doesn't really matter any longer. I always say you might as well keep adding to the team. (And, when you speak in their lingo, they don't know what to do... Ha!)

Besides, how can you say no to such a cutie!

Angela said...

Oh Michelle...I was so excited to finally see the face of your new addition. How cute!!! I can't wait to play with Daisy of Thursday. I'm still laughing at the outfit. That is sooooo Ali!!! : )

What's Jub think???

Gail said...

Michelle, you finally have done are officially NUTS!!! A puppy, homeschooling and 3 new kids!!!! But, hey so am I so welcome to the club!

Kathy Eden said...

She is adorable!!! I'm glad that he FINALLY gave in :o)

Lara said...

Wow - what a cutie pie puppy! Have fun with your new "baby"!!

Elisabeth said...

cute! can she fit into webkinz clothes? that would be cute! the other 3 cundiff kids are going to have so much fun with her!

Beth said...

Adorable!! :o)

Kristina said...


I up the pot by 5 hamsters and 3 guine pigs!


Linda said...

We got a new puppy for Christmas as well! His name is Prince. It had been our youngest child's dream for over year to have "his own dog". What a thrill when we carried the big wrapped box with the huge red bow downstairs and he took off the top! He was overjoyed! Ours wasn't exactly a breed, or so we thought. We rescued him from the city pound - he'd been on "death row". (This is where we always get our dogs. Sort of a family tradition!) However, it turns out, he is a "black mouth cur" -- the same breed as "old yeller". Boy, I hope he doesn't have the same fate! hee hee. Anyway, I sure know how much fun a Christmas puppy can be. Prince has overshadowed everything else around here -- he is the new love of our lives! Enjoy yours!! -Linda

junglemama said...

Ahhh, how precious!