Saturday, January 26, 2008

15 minutes of pure joy......

We just talked to our Haitian beauties! It was wonderful!! We showed them part of the house and they asked about beds, bikes and our dog, Jubilee, who was not available for comment. This was very disturbing apparently. So plans for the next call is to do it downstairs so they can see Jubilee. Oh, I miss them so much!! I'm ready to hop on a plane now and stay until they come home!!! Thank you Lord for bringing them home soon!!

Hope enjoying a very important treat.....


angela said...

i've said it to everyone else, but that is so sweet! i'm so glad you were able to talk with your kids!! and i'm really sorry for them that they couldn't talk to jubilee! they're going to love him!

Michelle said...

ummm, him is a her..... I'm sure she'll forgive you. :)

Kathy Eden said...

That's funny Michelle...yes,Jube is pretty easy going...I think forgiveness will come easy!
I'm so glad everyone enjoyed their calls. It's really amazing if you think about technology these days even allows it to be done.
Do they know about Daisy? It seems like she was left out unless they got to see her.

Kathy Cassel said...

Wow. You got to talk to them? I have visited mine but I haven't seen them since August and since they are only two I'm sure they have changed loads since then!!!

Kristina said...

Wasn't it just the BEST?????
I can not wait till the next one!

angela said...

oops! so sorry!

megan haug said...

that's so awesome that you guys got to do that!!!

Lara said...

I'm so happy for you guys! How cool that you showed them around the house! What a great idea!

Angela said...

Let me know when you want to go bike shopping. :)

Gail said...

I have an empty spot in my house if you want to stay with me!!!! Of course, you would have to sleep next to me but I promise not to touch your face while saving Hope from falling ;)