Monday, April 28, 2008


Thanks Angela!

i am:
first a child of God, second a wife, third a mother, and fourth a missions committee leader.
i think: I am so blessed with an amazing husband and six wonderful children!
i know: in whom I have belief!
i want: my children home.
i have: more than I could need.
i wish: there were more hours in the day, and that I lived in a warmer climate.
i hate: poverty, sickness, strife, sin,.......
i miss: Mia, Noah & Hope
i fear: nothing but the Lord (Psalm 34)
i feel: at peace.
i hear: Camden and Ali playing with Daisy.
i smell: coffee, wonderful coffee.
i crave: sweets, and did I mention coffee.
i search: for ways to run a better house, though seem to fail miserably.
i wonder: when I will grow up.
i regret: many things from my life BC, but don't dwell there.
i love: my Lord, my family, my friends, my church, my country, my home away from home
i ache: to hold all of my children at the same time and I think that is why God gave me such big thighs, so they will all fit. Oh wait, maybe that was the sweets and not God that made them so big. Shootamaroo!
i care: deeply for the children and staff of Three Angels!
i always: cry when I leave Haiti.
i am not: as disciplined as I should be.
i believe: I will see Mia, Noah and Hope in our home soon!
i dance: well....
i sing: always.
i cry: when I think about how good God has been to me.
i don't always: keep my priorities in line.
i fight: the urge to do things my way, not God's.
i write: when I need to.
i never: skydive.
i listen: to praise and worship music all the time.
i need: to lose some weight.
i am happy about: the life God has given me.

I'm not going to pass this on to anyone specifically, because I haven't kept up with who has already done it. So, I guess I'll leave it with.....if you haven't done this yet, now it's your turn.


angela said...

well . . .

i always love it when you say, "shootamaroo!!"

Kathy Eden said...

I just wanted to tell you that I want to be more like you when I grow up :o)

Brandy and Troy said...

Me too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun! I'm going to copy it for my blog later. :)
You're funny.

Angela said...

Oh my gosh, you do NOT have big thighs silly. I agree with You You. I love hearing you say shootamaroo. Great answers. I'll give it a whirl...

Amanda said...

Hi! I'm so excited to find your blog (I think I'm leaving that comment everywhere now) but particularly YOURS because you live nearby!

We're finishing up our paperwork (it's being translated into French right now) for our Haiti adoption.

I'm so excited to find someone ELSE. I'm working on getting our blog up and running.

Thanks for posting your story and I can't wait to read more. :~) God bless you!