Thursday, June 05, 2008


What a blessing!

"Yeah, I'm cute! I know it!!

"Excuse me, but has anyone seen the large ribbons for my hair?
These small ones just aren't going to cut it!!"


Salzwedel Family said...

Ha! She is adorable!

Anonymous said...

They are so cute!
Hope your summer is going great!

megan haug said...

oh my goodness!! these kids are just precious! they really are beautiful. (okay, Noah is handsome!)

angela said...

so, i saw that outfit on hope. hilarious! i love the belle and mia picture!! and clearly, i love the noah pic too!! can't wait to see them!!

Anonymous said...

Let it be soon, Lord.

Jeremy said...

I suppose we'll have to hide the TP. I'd hate for Hope to get confused.

CG said...

They're all beautiful. And yup, those ribbons are something else!

Angela said...

I LOVE that picture of Belle and Mia. It is such a blessing that they will have each other when they come home. Oh yeah...and you can borrow Madelyn anytime so Mia can get her fix. Or better yet, just send her on over. I'm sure you could use a break every so often with 6 kids. :)

Too funny Jeremy.

Kathy Cassel said...


Kristina said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! the picture of Belle and Mia!!!

Kathy Eden said...

Those are such adorable pictures! "Love" the one with Hope's big hair bows!

angela said...

bad idea, jeremy!!! she just won't wipe. they've been without before. i really don't recommend that!!

angela said...

also, for a good "adjustment" story, ask gretchen about mia's "handwashing" techniques when she first came home!