Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Journey Begins

July 4th, 2004 I was sitting in my church, Oasis Church in Evansville, IN. My Pastor was preaching a message about praying for our leaders. In his message he read from Genesis "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." When he read that, the Lord spoke to my heart and told me, "Your Noah will find grace in the eyes of the Lord and I will deliver him from his destruction." Well from that time, till the end of service, I'm not sure what my Pastor preached. I'm sure it was good, but as you can imagine, my mind was going crazy. At that moment God placed in my heart a knowing and a longing for this son that I didn't know or even know where he was. To make a long story short, Jeremy and I discussed it and decided to begin researching and looking into adoption. We had always said, "Wouldn't it be neat to adopt. To give a child a future that doesn't seem to have much of one." Honestly though at the time I never really thought we would. Jeremy says he thought we probably would one day but I really didn't. However on that 4th of July God dropped something in my heart and that something was a love for a little boy that I didn't know, had never seen and didn't know where he was, but at any rate, I loved him and began the journey to find him and bring him home.

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