Friday, October 20, 2006


Today I wanted to request prayer for me. Hopefully this doesn't seem selfish, but I am having Haiti withdrawal. I was able to go in March and in June and haven't been back since. This may seem crazy to some, but I love going!! I, of course, love seeing Noah, but it's not just him. I love being at the Orphanage, sitting on the roof at St. Joseph's, seeing the Nannies, playing with all the kids. I miss all of it! If I had the money and the ok from the board, I would leave on the next flight out. I have such a longing to go back. I know without a doubt God has connected me with this little country and I know He has a plan for me to do more than just adopt a son, but currently I am limited by finances for the most part.

You are probably thinking, ok, enough already, what's the prayer request? I guess my request is that the Lord will help me to be content until I'm able to go and to take away this acheful longing I have. Also that the Lord will provide us with the finances we need to help Three Angels in the way we desire to.

Thank you to everyone who continues to read my blog and for always keeping us in your prayers!! Love you all!!


Kristina said...

You got it sister! Just remember God gave you those desires for a reason! I have no doubt that you will be returning to Haiti soon to bring your son home! I will praise God for you, the desires, and his answers. Love YA!

Angela said...


angela said...

we're on it!