Wednesday, September 05, 2007

School Days!

School started yesterday so The Cundiff Academy is up and running. Camden started Kindergarten, Jordyn fifth grade and Alexis is our third grader. I am really enjoying this year. "Isn't it crazy" you may ask, "with three in three different grades?" Yes, the answer would be, yes it is, but I LOVE it!! They are all doing so well! The only thing Camden didn't like was recess being outside the first day. Normally he wants to go outside, but apparently he already had plans for recess that didn't involve the great outdoors. I figure if that is the worst thing that happens this year then we are in great shape!!

It is such a blessing to me to homeschool. We start the day with Bible time, which involves the pledge of allegiance, national anthem, praise and worship, bible lesson, memory verses and prayer. I love singing with the kids and watching them start their day with time focussed on the Lord. What an awesome way to start the day!! From there we jump into Phonics, Arithmetic, History, Science and the list goes on and on. I hope to incorporate Creole again, but we may wait a couple weeks for that.

Here are a few pics from our humble school room.......

For a look at the athletic side of our activities check out this recent post at


Elisabeth said...


Angela said...

You are such an inspiration Michelle. I wanna be like you when I grow up... :)

Your kids are a testament to what an amazing woman you are!!!

Brandy and Troy said...

That goes for me to, Angela!

Pretty soon the Mrs. Cundiff will have a full class room!!!! How exciting!!!

Shannon H. said...

When your class size doubles do you get a raise?

Michelle said...

Yeppers, I do get a raise, Shannon. A raise in the cost of curriculum, a raise in the amount of work load, a raise in the amount of lunches I will fix, ..........

I can't wait!!

angela said...

i love you, michelle.

Kathy Eden said...

Ditto to what Angela & Brandy said! The room looks great! They don't get to go to school in their jammies? If I was them I would come to class in my jammies :o)
Please let me know when you start accepting outside applications for students :o)

Anonymous said...

Good pics mom.