Monday, November 05, 2007

More pics.....

Here's a few more pictures from last month. I hope you enjoy!

Do I have the three best looking kids in Haiti or what?

Ok, so I realize most of you have your own children in Haiti. What I meant was the best looking kids besides your own of course.......


Lisa said...

Oh Michelle,
They are gorgeous....I love the way you capture "fun" in your photos. Thank you for sharing:)

angela said...

you didn't mean that and you know it. they are gorgeous. i love them more than words.

salvant7 said...

i was gettin' ready to say...

yes, they are good lookin'!!

Anonymous said...

Sure, of course that's what you meant...sure! :)
They are gorgeous!

megan haug said...

great pictures!! they're beautiful kids!!

Angela said...

well, since you put it that way...

They are a good lookin' bunch. :)

Kathy Eden said...

So glad you clarified that because I immediately thought of another group of three beautiful Haitian children :o)
You do have beautiful children & I can't wait until they are home with you!

Elisabeth said...

they are too cute!

Kathy Cassel said...
