Saturday, June 14, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Thanks to Sandy, I can post these arrival pictures! She e-mailed the ones she took when I arrived. No laughing please! ; )

It was a busy day today! We got up nice and early, as usual, and had pancakes for breakfast. The kids had church, we had cake for two little girls' birthdays, then the fun of the day.....we had three inflatable pools and threw a pool party! I wanted to post pictures but realized I forgot my cable to load them on the computer so I'll have to share pictures when I get back. They had soooooo much fun!! I can't wait to show you pictures.

Tomorrow we will go to church and then we are going to have pool time for the older nursery kids! I'm sure they are going to LOVE it!

Thank you all for continuing to pray for us. We hope to be home next week!


angela said...

i love pool days!!! thanks for the update! i keep praying!

Lara said...

How wonderful! Thanks for all the updates you're giving...we are so excited for you guys!!!

Salzwedel Family said...

We hope & pray you will be home next week also! You are being lifted up!

livingpurereligion said...

A pool party sounds like SO much fun! My kids LOVED swimming at the Guest House, so I am sure that they will love having a pool party with all their friends:)

Praying you home soon!

Brandy and Troy said...

Love the smiles!!!

Anonymous said...

You look so happy!

Kathrin (Germany)

Angela said...

no laughing. :)

see ya in a couple of days...

Kristina said...

Can't wait for the coming home pictures!!!!

CG said...

Yes, this whole thing is just awesome, but I am ready for the coming home photos, too... THEN I'll really believe it!

Not to be a doubting Thomas or anything- I'm just dying to witness this long-awaited homecoming... I can't wait!!

Elias said...

thanks for keeping us updated, michelle. i'm continuing to be excited and continuing to pray! i'm going to have to seriously see about evansville for christmas!