Monday, March 02, 2009


I will hold our son in my arms again! It has been so long and I am more than ready!! I am scheduled to lead a trip that leaves this weekend. So instead of wondering each day when our visa appointment will be I've decided to avert my attention to the fact that I will be seeing, holding, and loving on our boy no later than Sunday!! Now don't you think for one moment that I'm not still praying daily for that appointment, but I'm thankful to have this other option to rejoice over right now!

We are praying his appointment will be this week, but until we hear about it I will be packing and getting so excited to finally go see our son!


Anonymous said...

It is a bit strange - I don't know you in person, never heard your voices, but I have tears in my eyes. Hvae a wonderful time with your son. BRING THAT BOY HOME WHERE HE BELONGS!

CG said...

I can't wait for y'all to be together, and we surely won't stop praying he'll come home with you!

How wonderful it will be the hug that sweet boy after all this time apart! I bet he's looking forward to that just as much as you are.

You've been such an encouraging beacon of faith before the rest of us throughout all this Michelle! I thank God for you!

Lara said...

Wow! How wonderful, how totally exciting Michelle! Have a fabulous trip. I can't wait to see the homecoming announcement!

Elias said...

yipeeeee!!! how exciting. hope it goes well and i'll continue to pray that he'll be able to come home soon.

let me know if he needs any shorts or shoes. since he seems to think my size fits him so well. ;)

Kathy Eden said...

This trips is sooooooooooo long over due (IMHO even though I know God's timing is best :o)! Am praying...and won't stop praying that you will get a visa appt. & be able to bring him back with you!!! Love you!

Lena Just Lena said...


I'm SO excited for this trip-I get to meet you in person. I get to meet Noah. I get to see your reunion. My hubby gets to meet our sons and hang out with them. We get to bring our dossier down and start the other side of the process.


Counting down the hours!