Friday, April 20, 2007

Having Fun and More Progress!!!!

We have been having so much fun this week. The kids are great and besides wanting their Papa to be here they are thrilled!! We have played a lot and today were able to go to the beach!! I'll post more on that later.

Mommy & Hope

Mia Grace in the new tunnel!

Noah also in the tunnel!

Mommy, Mia & Hope dancing at St. Joseph's Dance Theater!

Today was such an awesome day!! My God is so amazing and faithful!! As well as going to the beach, I was holding a letter in my hand stating that DHS was pleased to inform us that Wilbert, Lourdesmia & Sutherlande were orphans according to...... This means we can proceed with the adoption. Next step, IBESR!!! Praise God!!!! How GREAT is our God!!!!!!!


angela said...

ah progress! He is great, isn't He? and i'm sorry, but they are orphans according to who? :) yeah for good times with your kids! i know they're going to love seeing papa zeromy in a few months. we'll have to think of something really fun to do when he comes so he won't be so jealous! oooh! like building counters!

Elisabeth said...

looks like you all had a lot of fun!! YAY!

Kathy Eden said...

Praise God again!!! Our God is an AWESOME God! I'm so glad everyone is having a great time!
you-you...I'm all for doing something really fun in July since I'll be there at the same time as Jeremy...and I'm not talking about building counters :o)

Angela said...

That tunnel looks like fun!!

I'm so excited about the progress.

Anonymous said...

cute pictures!!!!!!!

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Really great pictures Michelle!!!