Monday, July 30, 2007

My baby!

Well, as most of you know my baby, Jordyn, raised the money to go on her trip to Haiti. She worked hard and not only raised the money for her flight, which was all we asked for, but she raised enough money to cover almost her entire trip. I was so thrilled that she was able to experience God's provision in that way.

She was AMAZING!! She never one time complained of the conditions. She ate the food she liked, never complaining of the stuff she didn't. She didn't one time tell me she was hot, not one word was negative!

I told her before we arrived that anytime we were at the O, she could do what she wanted. If she wanted to play in the nursery that was fine, if she wanted to play downstairs, fine. I wanted her to know she didn't have to stay with me, that she was free to do what she wanted, and that is what she did. However, if I couldn't find her I pretty well knew where to look. I almost always found her in the nursery. I think it was her favorite place. In fact, one day it was time for us to head back to St. Joe's and I was looking for Jordyn. Everyone else was downstairs ready to go, so I went to the nursery and sure enough the nannies pointed to the middle of the room where I found her sitting, playing with all the little ones.

She was an awesome big sister!! She helped me soooooo much. At meals she would beat me down to the kitchen and fix her 3 siblings plates before she fixed her own. If they needed anything she wanted to get it for them. I kept telling her she didn't have to do all that. I wanted her to enjoy her trip, but that is what she continued to choose to do. She played with them, loved them, held them and slept with them. They are so blessed to have her.

One more thing I want to share, Jordyn has her favorite as people usually do at the O, but what impressed me about her though, was her favorite is not the cutest, healthiest, most desirable. She even at one time said to me, "Mom, some of the other kids didn't want to hold him because he looks different, but Mom, he's my favorite." I'll let her share about him on her blog, but I did want to share that because I saw her heart of love and compassion in such a great way!

Jordy, I am so proud of you. I knew you would love Haiti, but I didn't know you would love it like your Mommy does. I saw in you what people have told me, "You are so happy here. You literally glow." Now I don't know that I glow, I think it's the sweat shining in the pictures, but you Jordyn, you glow! God's love was pouring out of you and I want you to know how very proud I am of you. I love you baby doll!!


Jordyn said...

Thanks, Mommy!!!! You said it was a work trip, right??

Yes, I will tell you about my favorite on my blog....

Sarah and Tim said...

What a sweet story. It is so awesome to hear that she did so much, and experienced so much. I am proud of you Jordyn, even though I don't know you very much, I am proud of you. Can't wait to hear about this favorite!

Kristina said...

Yes I have to agree, she is glowing in all the pictures. JUST like her mamma!

You think you have experienced Haiti in it's full spectrum, but it's nothing compared to seeing it thru the eyes of one of your children!

Thanks for sharing with us about your sweet sweet daughter!

Shannon H. said...

The apple must not fall far from the tree.

What a blessing she must be!

Lisa said...


Kathy Eden said...

She is awesome & it was wonderful to see her "glow" in Haiti!

Laura said...

I agree, Jordyn is a special girl.

Brandy and Troy said...

I was also so proud of her and Shelby on the trip. Jordy is an awesome big sister!!! Your family is so blessed!!!

Laura said...

I'm so thrilled that she got to go and that the experience was so amazing for all of you!!! I love the updates and pictures! It will be so wonderful to see pictures of your family ALL TOGETHER!

angela said...

she was amazing! jordyn, you rocked! you did a great job and your family misses you!

Heather said...

Wow! What an awesome story and awesome big sister! Love your blog! Thanks for blogging! Hang in there with the waiting...