Thursday, February 21, 2008

M' la!!

I am here and having a great time with all the kids!! The kids were surprised! I loved the look on their faces!

News from today.....I took some time this morning to spend one on one time with some of the nursery kids. Mine are in the school from 8-12 so it's a perfect time to love on the little ones. First up was the birthday boy, Alixson. He turned a big 3 years old today. Next up was Ellie, Annabella, Layla & Nicot. After school, we did hair. For the first time ever I put beads in. It was way easier than I thought, praise God!! It was a fun day. I ended the night with a call on Skype to my wonderful husband and other three kids, so it couldn't have been better. Well, not unless I had gotten the news that I could take my kids home. Maybe that would have been better, but for now I'll take it and praise God for this opportunity to be home away from home. :)


Sarah and Tim said...

Michelle, You did a great job on the hair!

Kathy Eden said...

Great pictures! I'm glad you are there to love on your kids & ours.
I'm impressed with the hair :o)

Kathy Cassel said...

Great job with the hair.

livingpurereligion said...

So glad to *see* you there... and very impressed by your beading ability. Becca's hair is too short to worry about that right now, but it's growing fast:)

Thanks for taking the time to love on each child!

We're praying for you!

Brandy and Troy said...

Good to hear from you!! I have been thinking about you and your kids.

Great job on the hair!!! Do you rememeber how long it took me and Kathy to work on Samara's hair?? I think that I would have to budget in a professional, but you are doing awesome!! :}

Jeremy said...

Good job on the beads. And, I too worked on some hair by shaving the boys head. Hope you're ok with that. Miss you!

Kristina said...

Bravo on the hair with beads! You are going to conduct a seminar on it when you get back, right?


angela said...

oh these are wonderful pictures!! i wish i could have been there! you girls are doing really well with the hair! i'm scared about that!!!!

angela said...

oh, and even the nannies have a hard time with samara's hair!!

Kathy Eden said...

Thanks for the encouragement You-You :o) I'm not even going to try to bead Samara's hair. If she wants it done...I'll take her over to Belle's house.

cathy.troy said...

If you did Manthania's - it looked great! Lots of prayers are going up for you!!! I so wish I was there!

Sherry said...

Wow, what a great surprise for your kids to have mom come for a visit! :)
You did a wonderful job with their hair. I have never done cornrows with beads...guess I will need to learn it soon!

Shanley said...

oh! i miss hope! can i maybe come visit her when she's with her forever family? i just can't quite stomach never seeing her again! i'm so happy for you guys! :D