Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I interrupt this blog for an update!

A visa interview is scheduled on behalf of Wilbert T Cundiff for

Thursday, March 5, 2009, at 7:00 a.m.


salvant7 said...

Woo Hoo!! So happy for you, Michelle!!!!! Praise God!!

angela said...

THAT is why you created this blog in the first place!!!! i am THRILLED for you and the whole fam a lam a lie!!!

Gail said...

YEAH!!! So exciting!

Lara said...

YEAH!!! I just might start doing Kathy's dance...is it the HWBD or the HBWD? Whatever it is, I'm just so very happy for the Cundiff family!

Laura said...


OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!! Your boy is coming home!!!! Praise God!

Sending HUGE HUGS AND SMILES your way from sunny Colorado! ;)

was said...

Congratulations! Safe travels and have a fabulous reunion with your son. Yay - you finally get to bring him home :) !!!!!

Todd said...

ok....the new camera is charged and ready!!!!!! Now I just have to go buy that 50 lb bag of cheese puffs!!!!!!!!

CG said...

Hallelujah, Michelle! This rules! I am so excited to think of FINALLY seeing this boy with the rest of y'all! Completion at last!

Thank you, Lord, for some good news out of Haiti for once, so we would not lose hope!

Kathy Eden said...

I've been doing the HBWD for quite some time but I just now got to a computer!!! You "killed" me with your "Check my blog" text because I was working my volunteer shift at the armory for this weekend's children's consignment sale. So I called home & had Randy check it for me :o) I am sooooooooooooo happy for you! Will be praying that all goes well!

Lena Just Lena said...

Praise God!

Can't wait to see the reunion!

Kristina said...

I am speechless!
i know that is hard to believe, but I am.
The joy is overflowing and I can NOT wait to welcome him home!!!!

Brandy and Troy said...


Lisa said...

Praise the Lord!!!!! I am so happy for you all...YIPEE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for all of you!