Monday, January 22, 2007

Well, where do I begin?

You know how sometimes when we are in the middle of something it's hard to see what God is doing, then all of sudden you get one of those, "oh my gosh, I see it" moments. Well this is exactly what happened to Jeremy and I this past weekend. I'm not going to go through all the details of the weekend except to say, it involved some time with our Heavenly Father seeking His will for our life and the lives of two precious girls.

As most of you know the adoption of Noah has been one of waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting, and for me many times of "Lord, I don't get it, what is going on?" If I knew all of the issues that had risen were for a purpose it would be easier, but I never would get any answers just a simple, "Trust Me." So trusting we have, in hopes that at some point it would all make more sense.

Well on Sunday January 21st, the Lord made it clear to us one possible reason for the waiting. He revealed to us through a series of events and prayer times that Lourdesmia and Suterlande were to be our girls. Yes you heard right! We have decided, no I should say we have agreed, the Lord decided, to adopt Lourdesmia and Suterlande the girls I posted about a few weeks ago in my Have I mentioned I love this girl post. We are in a whirlwind of planifications and have swiftly began to work on changing some of our paperwork to bring our girls home. God had a plan and it may seem like a crazy plan but to us it's a great plan. Our God is awesome!!!

So first I would like to introduce you, to Lourdesmia Grace Cundiff, AKA Mia.

Next, I would like to introduce you to Suterlande Hope Cundiff, AKA Hope.

On April 16th I will arrive at Three Angels and will be greeted by my Noah, Mia and Hope and I can't wait to see how I will manage. I will be out numbered but overjoyed!


Laura said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I just came up here to check my inbox and decided to check all my girls' blog sites out as well. THIS I did not expect! I am beyond thrilled for you! I cannot even express how excited I am for those precious girls. You ALL will be blessed! Thank you for saying yes to His leading!!! Congratulations. I'm over here in Colorado celebrating with you!

Anonymous said...

God is good...all the time!

I could not agree more that it was God's decision and I am so thankful that you and Jeremy listened and accepted His call!!

I can not think of any better parents for these 2 girls!! Praise the Lord!!

Kristina said...

What a day of rejoicing that will be!!!! I can NOT wait! I am still screaming inside I am so excited so I can only imagine how you feel!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Anonymous said...

i read this blog to my mom over the phone and would have cried if i didn't have to keep my voice steady so my mom could hear what i was saying.

praise God!!!

Angela said...

I am super pumped!!! Way to be available!!! I know Angela will be so excited that Mia will be with her in Evansville. Pull out the jump ropes. LOL! 8 and counting...

God is so good!!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Michelle - You truly are amazing. I am honored and blessed to call you "friend." And Noah, Mia & Hope are blessed to call you "Mama." I pray that everything goes well so that your babies can come home soon.

Love - Shea

Anonymous said...

When my mom was on the phone with you yesterday, it took my awhile to figure out what was going on because I was trying my hardest not to listen but when I did have screaming for joy I do have to say some tears filled my eyes. I cannot wait to see Mia and her reaction to what the lord has brought into her life.

Anonymous said...

Praise God!
So is your blog name going to change to Noah Mia Hope Central?
Bring 'em all home and P-A-R-T-Y!!

Anonymous said...

Angela and I were on the phone yesterday and she said " O.K. Are you ready for the best news ever? Michelle and Jeremy are adopting Mia and Suterland!!" Well, all I could do was cry! We are so excited for ALL of you! Praise God!

Anonymous said...

okay, michelle, we all already said we'd come visit evansville! you don't have to adopt the WHOLE orphanage just to ensure a visit!!!

oh goodness! i have no words. there is no one i'd rather see take my girls! what a blessed family! yeah for papa zeromy!

i'm just bursting to tell!! bia (mia) comes to me with pictures she's colored for you everyday. this morning before school she asked me how many days until you come! i wanted to tell her so badly that you weren't just coming for noah this time!!

praise our great God!!!

Anonymous said...

Michelle, I don't know you and Jeremy very well, but I am very excited for the both of you. I am even more excited for little Mia, Hope and Noah!!! I will be praying for the speedy return to their forever home. Sarah O

Anonymous said...

i like the new name for the blog!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! How excited you must be. It is so amazing how God is always at work in our lives gently but firmly leading us. Listening to His calling is not always easy and can be scary, but what a blessing it is when we hear and obey Him.

Michelle said...

Thanks everyone! You are all so great! We appreciate all of your comments and we are so happy you are rejoicing with us.

We continue to be amazed at what God is doing. We are also thankful for the people that are in our lives now because of our adoptions. I see eight people on this comment page that I didn't know this time last year. We have so many dear friends now that have come about because the Lord led us to Haiti. He's sooooooo amazing!!

Again, thank you all!!!