Thursday, July 24, 2008

Looking back 2......

I know I mentioned the time spent with Mia and Hope's birth mom and brothers. I would not trade those days for the moon! Sometimes Allemagne and I would sit for hours just watching the children play. Not having words that either one of us could understand, but knowing a love that shattered all barriers, we would sit and watch our daughters play, both smiling, both laughing, both loving.

I have so much respect for Allemagne. She truly wants what is best for her children. She loves them and though it was breaking her heart she continued to thank me for taking the girls. She told me I was their mother now and that she would pray for them, me, Jeremy and my other children too. I promised her that I would always pray for her and the girls would ALWAYS know who she was and what she did for them.

Schneider & Jovannie were amazing boys. When Jeremy was there, at first, they would offer their hand in a greeting. Jeremy would shake their hand and then pull them into a big hug which always brought the biggest smile followed by a simple, "Mesi." By the end of his stay, they would just go straight for the hug. The morning I was leaving with the girls, they were both crying. Schneider tried to hide his more as he is the man of the house, even though he is only eleven years old. He would quickly wipe his tears and act as if all was well. Jovannie being the younger of the two displayed his feelings more. He asked if I wouldn't be coming back. I assured him I would. I told him we would see each other again. Before I got in the car he came running for one more big hug and with tears in his eyes watched us drive away.

Then there's Gabby! Sweet Gabby. What a good baby he is! He would sit out front with his Mama for hours and we rarely saw or heard him cry, only if he was hungry. For those days that was completely fixable. Allemagne asked us if we would adopt him too. It was so hard, knowing their situation, to not say yes. If I could have fit him in my backpack, I would have done it in a second. To be completely honest, we would have taken all three boys if it would have been possible. Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

I could go on and on, but I will stop for now. To make a long post a little shorter, I'll just end by saying....Allemagne, Schneider, Jovannie, and Gabby, we love and miss you so much. We pray for you everyday and look forward to being with again. To everyone else....thank you for taking the time to learn about our extended family.


Kathy Eden said...

I can't find any words that would be an adequate response to such a beautiful, loving story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

Kristina said...

Yeah what Kathy said! That BIG family picture is just beautiful!!!!!!!!

angela said...

oh i love that last family picture!! look at mia looking at gabby! and you're right about how they all look like each other! the picture of gabby is beautiful!

praise God for this family and how He has grafted it into yours! praise God for this enduring testimony of love! she is an amazing woman!

Sarah and Tim said...

What a great family! Thanks for sharing them with us!

Brandy and Troy said...

Wow....that was beautiful. Thanks for sharing!!!!

CG said...

That was just so heartwarming. It made me happy and sad. What a beautiful family! I really appreciate your taking the time to share the story of your amazing extended family. What a blessing to have such a tender relationship with them!

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

That is beautiful Michelle.

Lena Just Lena said...

Wow, thanks so much for sharing. I find it amazing and such an hear your stories and I embark on this process, I love reading how those of you who are further along are doing/feeling.

Thanking and Trusting God.


Salzwedel Family said...

Beautiful Michelle...thank you for sharing.

livingpurereligion said...

Thank you for sharing! I love that you all have such a wonderful relationship with the girls' birth family. What a blessing!

Anonymous said...


LOVE that last picture with everyone in it.

Elias said...

sounds amazing, michelle. i'm sure the girls will cherish those pictures always.

Elisabeth said...

wow, I'm speechless. Thats amazing.

Kerry said...

that left me speechless. such an amazing story. that family picture was so beautiful!!!!

Amanda said...

Very precious days! Thank you for letting us take a peek at something very, very special.

Brandy and Troy said...

P.S. Gabby is SO cute!!!! I love his cheeks!!!!!

Hope and Rob said...

What an annointing God has put on this situation! That last picture is so amazing!! God bless you! We love you guys and pray often for you as you transition!

Gail said...

I saw Allemange today by the Carribean Market. She stopped me and asked about the girls. She told me to tell you she is praying for you. She is one awesome lady!!