Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Coming Home

I guess it's finally time to post these. Coming home was so wonderful. Noah was excited to be FINALLY going home. The departure was so different than that of the girls. Theirs was exciting too but seeing the pain in their mother's eyes made it harder. Noah and I woke up with smiles on our faces. We were up early and ready to go in plenty of time. He was able to go around and tell all the nannies and cooks goodbye. He smiled and loudly proclaimed, "Bye Bye!" They hugged him, kissed him, and wanted pictures with him. There was a team there so they then followed us out to the van. We were all set!!

Waiting in the Port au Prince Airport for our departure!

The first of many strides it would take to get us home!

Watching his life change drastically, but not clear of all it would involve. One day he will know the Lord delivered him!

Gotta love long layovers! He was a dream. He loved watching the planes come and go. That was a very good thing for me considering we got stuck in Ft. Lauderdale and in Chicago.

Traveling like a Pro!

This was the group I didn't get to see. : ( Unfortunately, due to many delays we arrived home over two hours later than expected. I did have a nice size group still determined to see this miracle happen. A big thank you goes out to everyone who came!


angela said...

judah is happy to see him in converse on his amazing journey! me too! what a miracle!

we also enjoyed jeremy sitting with the kids on the floor. and steven looks thrilled. :)

Lena Just Lena said...

AWESOME. Thanks for sharing this. I look forward to the day I can write a similar post. Thanks, Michelle.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Good looking group! Belle looks so old, I had a hard time finding her! :)

Petion-ville, Haiti said...

love the pictures!!! love seeing the rest of his journey home after the airport...
love that kid. :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. They'll be treasures in the years to come.

Kristina said...

We would not have missed it for anything.

Still brings tears to my eyes! the Lord did indeed deliver him!