Monday, December 31, 2007

A sweet little distraction......

Jeremy finally gave in and let me use some Christmas money to get the kids and I a puppy(Thanks Mom and Mark for the money!!). We were given the money before Christmas so we surprised the kids on Christmas morning with our newest member of the family. I would love to introduce you to Miss Daisy Cundiff......

"Christmas morning."

Ali couldn't resist buying a dress for her with some of her Christmas money.

"Daisy sporting her new outfit."

We went to my Dad's for Christmas and saw my Grandma's new puppy which is the same breed as our Daisy.... They had a great time playing.

"Daisy and Bandit."

This has indeed been a sweet little distraction from all the waiting. Thanks babe!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Praise God!!

Check out our Final Fundraiser ------->

God is so awesome!! We are almost half way to our goal! Thank you to all who have contributed thus far and if you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, just click on the link Bringing them home....

We are trusting God that He will supply all of our needs!! Thank you for your giving, your prayers and for passing it on!! We are praying that God will bless you in a huge way for being His hands!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

A few of my favorites.....

I have literally taken thousands of pictures in Haiti. I wanted to take a moment to look at a few favorites of our children. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them. (But I doubt you will......) : )

Ok, obviously, I didn't take all of them, since I am in a few, but I sure did enjoy being in them.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Final Fundraiser!

We are getting so close to travel time, but need to do one final fundraiser to get our three beauties home! Please check out our site if you get a chance and feel free to pass it on!!

Most of all though, join us in praying that God supplies all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!!!
We want to thank One Dollar Adoption for helping us with this fundraiser!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Birth Certificates........

have been issued!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Praise Him!!!!

This is a subject that is so dear to me, because I was a praise and worship leader for 12 years. I truly believe Christians as a whole don't grasp the power of praise! I was reading an article on it yesterday and it provoked me to write about it on my blog. So bear with me as I get on my stump......

What is praise? says, to offer grateful homage to (God or a deity), as in words or song. That seems a little too ordinary so lets look deeper. The strongs defines praise in several ways. It says praise is to boast, to rejoice, to sing songs, to celebrate, to be foolish and the giving of thanks. Just think of all the times that the Word of God tells us to Praise the Lord. Just for instance Psalm 150 ends by saying, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" The Amplified Bible says, "Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Imagine that, with every breath of life we should be praising the Lord!

We don't praise Him because we feel like it. We don't praise Him because we are at church or at a christian concert. We don't praise Him because everything is perfect in our lives. We praise Him because of who He is! We praise Him because He loves us! We praise Him because He sent His only Son to die for us so we could live eternally with Him! We praise Him because He created us to praise Him! Isaiah 43:21 says, "The people I formed for Myself, that they may set forth My praise."

I also believe that we can see in the Word a pattern of praise followed by victory. In Joshua 6:5-20, we read about the children of Israel at the Wall of Jericho. The Lord commanded them to shout with a great shout and that the wall would come down. The wall didn't fall until they shouted. II Chronicles 20:21-22 tells of how a whole army was defeated through praise. "And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the LORD, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying: 'Praise the LORD, For His mercy endures forever.' Now when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated." Acts 16:25-26 tells us that Paul and Sylas prayed, and sang praises. It was during this time of praise that the answer to their prayers came. The Bible says that suddenly there was a great earthquake.....and everyone's bands were loosed!

Prayer is important, indeed, but sometimes we need to go beyond prayer and enter praise. Instead of begging God to do something, let's focus on praising Him for what He has already done! Let's praise Him, knowing that He has heard our prayers! Let's give thanks, knowing that He will answer our prayers! Let's rejoice in His wonderful works!! Psalm 107 repeatedly says, "Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!"

Psalm 117:1-2 Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD.!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wow! It's hard to believe it is Thanksgiving tomorrow! Time goes by so fast. I decided I would blog about some of the things I'm thankful for. God has been so good to me and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to Praise Him!!

I am most thankful for my redemption through Jesus Christ. I am amazed at His sacrifice, awed by His love and strengthened by His joy!

I am very thankful for my husband! To think of my life without him brings too much sadness, so instead I Praise God for my life with him. He is an amazing man that I love more and more each day.

I am thankful for my six wonderful children, each fascinating in their own way. I am so blessed by them and thank God for entrusting me with their care. I love them so much and truly LOVE being their Mommy!

I am thankful for my family, both immediate and extended. God has blessed me with an extraordinary family who continues to show love and support to me, my husband and all my children.

I am thankful for my friends. God has surrounded me with friends of "like precious faith". They have laughed with me, cried with me, and prayed with me, comforted me, challenged me, and stood with me in faith. I treasure each one of them!

I am thankful for my church, a place I go and can hear sound doctrine, fresh revelation and receive a supply in the Spirit. I can worship my God freely and can expect to be challenged in my faith with each message preached.

I am thankful for my Country and my President. How amazing it is to live in a country that offers so much to it's people. I am blessed to have so many freedoms and blessed by the soldiers who continue to fight for those freedoms.

I am thankful for my home, a place of love, security, peace and joy. It's not a house, but it's our home. I am blessed with the fact that no matter what house we lived in, it would still be our home. It's not the house that matters, but what dwells inside.

I could go on and on, but eventually you might stop reading so I will stop there. I pray that on this Thanksgiving you will remember the important things in life. That you will be thankful for all God's blessings, and most of all remember that without Him we would be lost.

Psalm 107:22 Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, And declare His works with rejoicing.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

If only it could be so simple!

There have been lots of mission trips lately and Mia sent the following message to me...

"I love her and I want her to come here and take me to Evansville."

If only it could be so simple.

Lord, please reveal to my Haitian children that we are trying to do just that. Please let their hearts know we are not delaying because we don't want them to come. Please show them how much we love them, how much You love them and how one day You will grant their and our desire.


Si se nan Seyè a ou pran tout plezi ou, l'a ba ou tou sa ou ta renmen. Som 37:4

Mwen renmen ou anpil, anpil. M'ap priye pou ou vini nan Evansville tale!!
Bondye se bon!! Li tande e reponn priye nou.

Mwen sonje ou,
Manmi ou

Friday, November 09, 2007

Basking in His presence...

The presence of the Lord is such an amazing place!! There are often times that the circumstances of this life can weigh heavily on us. We long for the day when Heaven will become our home and the fact that we will no longer have the evils of this world to contend with. We think of spending time with our Lord and Savior face to face and what a joy that will be. I want to encourage you today, though, to bask in the presence of our Maker. Acts 3:19 tells us that times of refreshing come in the presence of the Lord. When we spend time with Him our spirits are enlightened, our flesh is strengthened, and our minds are renewed.

He desires us to come to Him. Matthew 11:28 says "Come all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." The Amplified Bible says, I will ease, relieve and refresh your souls. How good does that sound? Why then do we neglect so great a salvation? Why do we sometimes postpone our time with Him waiting for a more convenient time and the next thing you know it's tomorrow. Why do we not cast our care over on Him and allow Him to give us that rest?

We have recently experienced some challenges and the only thing we could do was trust Him. I am so thankful that we can go to Him, trust Him, cast our care over on Him and just spend time in His presence, being refreshed! I am thankful that His Word can speak to us and even though I have been beat down by circumstances I have truly been refreshed in His presence.

Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.

Psalm 23:6 (Amplified)Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place.

Monday, November 05, 2007

More pics.....

Here's a few more pictures from last month. I hope you enjoy!

Do I have the three best looking kids in Haiti or what?

Ok, so I realize most of you have your own children in Haiti. What I meant was the best looking kids besides your own of course.......

Friday, November 02, 2007

Now serving number 38......

Gosh, Carsen, you are so close....don't give up.

Ok, so again, I had a great time in Haiti. I had to take a moment to thank my two hostesses. We had so much fun. We laughed, we cried, we prayed, and we had a wonderful lunch(best $772 I have ever spent, don't you think girls?) ; ). Thanks for letting me invade both of your homes. You guys are a blessing to me and Three Angels! Thanks for all you do and thanks for a fabulous week. Love you both!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Haiti trip - take one......

Well, as usual, I LOVED being in Haiti. I met up with half of the team on Friday night and the rest on Saturday. We flew into Haiti bright and early on Saturday morning and were greeted with the warm sun upon our arrival. After gathering all our bags and making it through customs with zero bags searched, we filed onto the bus and headed to my favorite spot in Haiti, the orphanage. Obviously, many of you know it's not the beauty of it's location but the precious gifts that dwell inside its gates that make it my favorite.

I hurried through the gates and was greeted by my friend, Angela. She had told all the children they would have to stay behind the side gate, so only after they were called did my three come barreling toward me. What a delight to finally hold my babies again. I had missed them soooooo much and couldn't wait to get my hands on them. I would say by the look of these faces they were a little happy to see me as well.
We had a great time together. We talked about their Papa, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles and everyone else in Indiana waiting for them to come. We discussed the fact that it is getting closer and we are praying it would be very soon.

All of the older kids have been talking about when the kids are coming home. Steven let me know that Noah would be first with Mia and Hope and then Jonas and he and Belle. They all know what order they got parents and feel like that is how they should leave. What joy there will be when the time comes to tell them they are coming home!! I can just imagine the excitement of the others as some go home, knowing they might be next.

My beautiful girls went for chest x-rays while I was there and Praise God they were all clear. No TB found! Mia was her beautiful, beaming self with a helpful hand at any moment. She is such a joy to be around. Her smile is contagious.

Hope is getting so big. She loves being with her brother and sister and was constantly asking me to take a picture of them. Every little bit she would say, "photo, Mama, photo."

Noah was his usual handsome self. He was sure to find my arms empty and ask to fill them. He is so good to let Hope be the baby but when she is busy he reminds me that it's ok for him to be held too....of course all this is said with a simple, "pote'm"

Friday, October 26, 2007

I'm still here.......

I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted. I plan to post again soon. I had an amazing time in Haiti and loved spending every spare moment loving on our kids. I promise to update more about that later, but we just arrived home after being in Haiti and then Texas visiting Jeremy's family. I haven't been home for two weeks so once I get settled I'll post more about my trip. Don't give up on me, I promise to be back in action soon.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

1 down 1 to go......

So Noah and Camden's room is basically ready! We still need to install some shelving for toy storage but that's about it. So 1 room down and 1 to go.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Pray for them!!


So here are the steps we have left in order to get these Cundiffs home! This is how I understand it anyway. Due to our miraculous exit from Parquet the kids are officially ours in Haiti. They are legally Cundiff kids!! Now we have to...........

New Birth Certificates are issued
Birth Certificates are notarized
Birth Certificates are legalized
Apply for their passports
Passports printed
Take adoption decree to DHS for final approval
Request Visa to bring them home
Visa is issued and we are on the next plane out of Evansville to pick up our children!!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Breaking news........

I interupt this blog to bring you the latest breaking news from Haiti..................


No birth parent interviews were required, and we are one step closer to bringing our children home!! God is good!!!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Counting down!

Well, I am counting down to my next trip to Haiti. I leave in 8 days, arriving 9. I can't express in words the joy I feel when I am in this little country. I truly believe it is the joy of the Lord! It's not just seeing my kids that brings me joy. There is something about the country, the people, TAs, the staff, the children......

Of course I can't wait to be reunited with my kids, but I wanted to share some pictures of a few of the other reasons that I LOVE to go to Haiti!!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Practice makes perfect.....right?!?!?!?

Alexis loves having her hair braided like her sisters', so we just keep practicing. I realize their hair texture is different, but I've just about decided Mia's is easier than Ali's. Either way, they are both beautiful girls, with or without my help!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Want to help?

Thanks to wonderful technology I have learned that over 100 people visit my blog daily. First of all thank you!! It was rather surprising to me and quite humbling actually. In case you read my blog posts about the orphanage and it's amazing children, the school and the new clinic and wonder how you can be a part. Check out the Three Angels website and sponsor a child for school. It's only $27 a month and can truly change the life of a child!

Think of that.....$27 That is about what it costs my family to go to McDonalds one time. It is the cost of a new shirt, a pair jeans on sale, a new book or a video game(or half of one). We've heard it so many times but really for less than a dollar a day. Wow!

Three Angels Children's Relief

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Giving Glory to God!

I would love to post some praises from our recent fast. Many posted or e-mailed me that they too were being led to fast. I would love to know if you did and have a praise report to give. No names will be posted but let's give honor where honor is due and praise God for His goodness!! So if you fasted and want to share what God did during your fast, whether it is a closer relationship with Him or a mountain was moved, I would love to know and post it on a future blog post.

Please e-mail me at to share your story.

Romans 4:20-21 He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A call to fast.....

Recently, I have felt the call to fast concerning our adoption. As usual, I drug my feet. I mean honestly, who really likes to fast, especially if you are like me and food is a main source of entertainment. Anyway, more and more lately I began to feel it coming, if you know what I mean. Like God was working me up to it. Then tonight as I couldn't sleep, I kept "hearing".... A call to fast..... So I decided to get out of bed and started reading my Bible and searching different scriptures on fasting. This may seem strange but I strongly felt lead to post... a call to fast. I know there are many that read my blog that are in the process of a Haitian adoption and let's face it....the process needs help, our children need help, and we need help. So read on and let the Lord lead you in what He might want you to do.

Ezra 8:21 Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him the right way for us and our little ones and all our possessions.

I proclaim a fast, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him the right way for us and our little ones and all our possessions. Over and over I hear the scripture, If My people called by My name would humble themselves and pray..... Fasting is a sign or an act of humility. We are humbling ourselves before God, offering a sacrifice, devoting our time to be spent with him, seeking His face, instead of stuffing ours.

We are not trying to convince God of anything. It's not a hunger strike. It's just being obedient to the Word and humbling ourselves before our God. I would venture to say that many of us felt "called to adopt". We believe the Lord prompted us or lead us to this journey. If so, then we are called by His name. He has called us to this purpose and it is up to us now to walk in that purpose, to follow His plan, to seek His face and know His will. Fasting is a consecration, a time we set apart for Him, to spend with only Him, to hear His voice, to make our requests, to offer our petitions, to praise, to worship, and to obey. In Matthew the Bible tells us that Jesus fasted, and He teaches us about fasting. Did you know, He said, "when you fast," not if you fast? He expected that we were going to.

Philippians 4:6 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;" He wants us to come to Him. He doesn't want us to be in worry or stressed out, but to be at peace knowing we are in Him and in His will. This verse goes on to say "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." This is His will. He wants us to come to Him with praise and thanksgiving, prayer and supplication and then His peace will guard our hearts and minds.

Joel 1:14 Consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord.

I pray you will seek the Lord in this. He may not ask anything of you, but for some He may ask for 1 meal, 1 day or 1 week. If so then I encourage you to be obedient to His voice and as in Ezra we will say, "So we fasted and entreated our God for this, and He answered our prayers."

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Celebrate good times, come on!!

Lourdes Mia, Wilbert & Suterlande Cundiff

Ok, so it's not valid but there is a document that says Lourdes Mia, Wilbert and Suterlande Cundiff. We made it through the Civil Judge and are now in Parquet!! Once Parquet approves it they will be legally ours according to Haitian law. I pray God continues to work in the hearts of the people working and adoptions will begin to be processed quickly. God is faithful!!

I Thessalonians 5:24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

Thank you Lord for calling us to this and being faithful to bring it to completion. We celebrate because of your faithfulness!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

School Days!

School started yesterday so The Cundiff Academy is up and running. Camden started Kindergarten, Jordyn fifth grade and Alexis is our third grader. I am really enjoying this year. "Isn't it crazy" you may ask, "with three in three different grades?" Yes, the answer would be, yes it is, but I LOVE it!! They are all doing so well! The only thing Camden didn't like was recess being outside the first day. Normally he wants to go outside, but apparently he already had plans for recess that didn't involve the great outdoors. I figure if that is the worst thing that happens this year then we are in great shape!!

It is such a blessing to me to homeschool. We start the day with Bible time, which involves the pledge of allegiance, national anthem, praise and worship, bible lesson, memory verses and prayer. I love singing with the kids and watching them start their day with time focussed on the Lord. What an awesome way to start the day!! From there we jump into Phonics, Arithmetic, History, Science and the list goes on and on. I hope to incorporate Creole again, but we may wait a couple weeks for that.

Here are a few pics from our humble school room.......

For a look at the athletic side of our activities check out this recent post at

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Our daughters......

....with great smiles

.....sound asleep

......having fun


My girls, you are such a blessing to me. I pray you grow in grace, dwell in peace, and love without measure.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our arrival....

So thanks to our friend, Brandy, here are the pictures of our arrival in Haiti. This was only moments after the first time the girls were able to greet Jeremy as Papa and the first time they all met Jordyn.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Great conversations......

with a five year old.

Ok, I need to preface this conversation with one Camden and I had last night. We are in our yearly 'revival' at church. So each night after church we go to Jeremy's Mom's house to help serve the guest speaker and guest pastors in attendance. We gave our kids the typical 'warning', you know, be good, mind your manners, no whining or crying, you get the picture. So last night Camden was struggling with the idea that he had to wait for the guests to get their food then we would get ours. So I took him to the restroom for a 'conversation' and explained that we are to honor and respect these men and women. We talked about how they work for God and we want to honor them and be a help to them and whining and crying won't 'help' them. So he needed to make a wise choice and decide to be a help. Lucky for him he made a good choice. :)

So now for today's conversation:

Camden: Mom, do those people at Grandma's seriously work for Jesus?
Mom: Yes, they do.
Camden: Even Grandpa(our Pastor)?
Mom: Yes, even Grandpa.
Camden: Them, but not us?
Mom: Well, anyone that does what God tells them to do is working for Him. So actually us too. Just like Mommy and Daddy are adopting Noah, Mia & Hope because God told us to.
Camden: God didn't tell us to buy more kids!
Mom: (trying not to laugh) Yes He did! (Ok, I was laughing a little, I mean who wouldn't)
Camden: God told us to buy more kids?!?!
Mom: Yes
Camden: He told us to buy Noah first.
Mom: Yes
Camden: He told us to buy Mia & Hope too?
Mom: Yes
Camden: I wish he had only told us to buy Noah.
Mom: Camden!?!? Why?
Camden: I want there to be two boys and two girls. I don't want there to be more girls than boys because they will be mean too.
Mom: But Mia and Hope love you.
Camden: How?
Mom: Mia has seen your picture and she always asks about you. She loves you!
Camden: And Hope too?
Mom: Sure, but she is pretty young so it's harder for her to understand.
Camden: So can I play my computer game now?

Kids are great!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Our sons.....

The day we met.......

At bathtime.....

While they're sleeping.....

At the beach......

One day, these boys will finally get to play together!

Lord, I thank you for our sons. They are the most incredible boys. I pray you equip us to raise them to be the men of God you created them to be.